Your immune system is responsible for allergies because it tries to protect you from an allergen by creating histamines, causing symptoms like congestion, hives, sneezing, rashes and coughing. Severe allergies can be deadly; cause a seizure or anaphylactic shock. A spine that is out of alignment can affect your nervous system, which controls your immune system.
Subluxated vertebrae moving improperly can cause pain due to nerve pressure or joint irritation. These can manifest as muscle spasms, weakness, radiating pain, tingling, and numbness into your extremities.
Repetitive motion, like typing with improper posture day after day, can put pressure on nerves in the 4 joints leading to the hands. Pain, burning, weakness, or numbness in your wrist or arms is signs of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Subluxations interfere with these nerves’ ability to properly control digestion. As a result, ailments such as chronic acid reflux, upset stomach, diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Chron’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, and constipation develop. Until the interference in your nervous system is corrected, these conditions will continue to ail you.
There is currently no cure for fibromyalgia. However, chiropractic care provides some relief for the pain. Symptoms include pain throughout the entire body, mild or severe pain in the joints, burning sensations, shooting pain, radiating pain, or achy pain. Ancillary symptoms can include headaches, depression, and trouble falling asleep.
There are varying types and causes of headaches. 80% of headaches start because of neck problems. Migraine headaches respond well to chiropractic adjustments.
Auto, sports and overexertion injuries
This is usually caused by over or under joint usage, poor pasture, injury, or muscle imbalance. The body will attempt compensate for structural instability until the joints dysfunction and muscle fatigue result.
Lifestyle stress, insomnia, muscle spasms, more
This condition involves joint cartilage that wears down, causing pain and reduced joint movement. Historically it occurred in the wrists, knees, hips and other major joints. Today it is evident with the neck. When one area is subluxated the other parts of the body overcompensates. Proper alignment of your body reduces nervous system pressure and increases joint movement, relieving pain and helping your body work in a more balanced way.
Allergies, asthma, bronchitis, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), breathing issues can reduce patients’ quality of life. The truth is that breathing issues are more common than most patients may think. Studies show patients feel the effects of the adjustment within minutes of receiving it. Poor breathing is usually connected with poor posture, physical stiffness, tense shoulders, a curved spine and a rigid pelvis. Treatment can involve a combination of adjustments and breathing exercises.
A misaligned spine, bulging discs and other issues can also cause sciatica or irritation of the sciatic nerve or nerve roots. Sciatica can begin as strength imbalance before going to pain, tingling, and numbness of the lower back and radiate into the legs.
Your spinal discs are made of cartilage and a gelatinous substance in the center. They are 90% fluid and located between your spinal vertebrae. Discs separate the vertebral bones, provide mobility to the spine and absorb the shocks of daily activity. Poor posture, lack of motion, aging, and trauma can cause subluxation.
Whiplash is when your neck aggressively moves back and forth from the force of a collision. Soft tissue can be damaged; muscles and ligaments strain or tear from overextending. Structural issues can be herniated disc, nerve damage, or subluxation.
The most important part of your body is the brain. The brain controls every tissue, organ, muscle, and cell in your body through the nervous system. When there is a subluxation of the spine, the brain’s communication is compromised.
Subluxation is when spinal vertebrae are out of place, i.e. subluxation. D.D. Palmer, the founder of Chiropractic said that Subluxations can occur three main ways: thoughts, traumas, and toxins. Today, we know them as emotional stress, physical stress, and chemical stress. They can all effect our physical health and mental wellbeing.
We provide holistic healthcare services, and Chiropractic adjustments are the foundation of this care. At BlueQ, we check and adjust every man, woman, and child for subluxation.
It is our intent to provide a drug free alternative for our patients so you may experience the most optimal health and wellness possible to live life to its fullest!
2480 E Bay Dr STE 13
Largo, FL 33771
Phone: 727-530-7778
Fax: 727-530-7797
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